Old is the New ‘New’ – Vintage Tea Shops

Today I was lucky enough to be introduced to the vintage tea shop that is the Sugar Junction on Tibb St. So far, I’m finding myself drawn to the Northern Quarter more and more.

Vintage Emporium – London, Brick Lane

In London, I  had recently discovered the Vintage Emporium on Brick Lane in the East End. I love the place with purposefully worn out sofas, candle sticks, low lighting and bunches of dried roses hanging at intervals from the ceiling. The quirky touches are fab, like piles of old suitcases stacked against the wall, an actual bike and two life-sized figures leaning against it! The food and live  music will take another blog post entirely…

Sugar Junction – Manchester, Tibb St

So the Sugar Junction is exactly what I was looking for. From the outside, the sign is so subtle that I  walked past it until my friend pointed it out. The homemade cakes on the counter were the first things I noticed, a victoria sponge with strawberries on top, oh so tempting to pick one off and try it!
A googey looking chocolate cake which unfortunately turned out to be Guinness
and chocolate. I finally settled for the lime and coconut dairy and gluten free cake – it was perfect and almost healthy! My tea came in a cute china teapot with a matching blue chintz teacup and saucer that I really wanted to take home. The place feels like an old aunts kitchen, with wooden chairs and large wood tables, this aunt of course bakes and knows how to put together vintage-chic, without looking too try hard. Next time, I will have to try the scones with cream and jam – this for me is the ultimate test of any cafe.

So far Manchester is surprising me, the cafe finds of East London were one of the things I knew I would miss, but no, so far, Manchester is delivering…